I took a walk with my father into the spacious square of our compound on a Friday evening. With a few birds chirping to the dawn of the evening, we stood momentarily in the centre of the compound gazing at the roof in the dim but comfortable light.
In the middle of this pleasant father-daughter conversation, my dad looked at me squarely in the eyes and said “The value of a man/woman is not measured by how many friends he/she made or by how long he/she lived but by the impact of his/her character towards a better society, I’m so happy by the efforts you’re making to keep the family, and as well the society relevant with your works. Do not stop my child”.
Many Fridays have come and gone but that Friday never leaves my mind. My father recognised the impact of sincere appreciation. He made me feel important. That night made a difference in my life. That was a lesson I promised myself never to forget but perpetuate in the life of anyone I’ll encounter- to recognise people’s efforts, no matter how little.
There are no defined rules for communicating effectively, but there are ways we can change lives and encourage growth by the things we say. The idea of effective communication is not only done in official settings, it can be done in any setting including your home.
Most people are quick to criticize than they are to appreciate. Even when the times to appreciate are greater than the little faults. They always look out for flaws.
As the old couplet says: once I did bad and that I heard ever / Twice I did good but that I heard never.
In your home, today, appreciate your wife/husband. Show love to those lovely kids of yours. If you work in a hospital go ahead and encourage your patients. Recognise your clients, as well as your colleagues.
Stay healthy, stay safe!
Nonye Tochi Wishing you a Happy Weekend.